
Since 1914, The Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church (“The Grove Church”) has been heavily involved in the matters of its surrounding community. We actively seek partners that would assist us in serving persons in need. Our goal is to fulfill our mission as “The Church with Helping Hands”.
Since its inception, The Grove Church has partnered with The Greater Piney Grove Community Development (“The Grove CDC”) to better address the pressing needs of the community. This partnership is reflected in the activities below:
Food Pantry: We distributed food on the first three weeks out of each month. We serve seniors on Wednesday and the general community on Thursday, depending on the first letter of their last name. People are able to get food once a month. In 2014, we distributed approximately 55,000 LBS of food to 2200 households. Please check out this video of our food pantry in action.
Back to School Book Bag Distribution: We give out 600 book bags full of school supplies to children in need during our annual Community Fun Day Community event. In addition, we provide free health screenings, gently-used clothes as well as provide access to free community services.
Thanksgiving Baskets: Each year, we give out approximately 500-750 Thanksgiving Baskets, in partnership with Wayfields Food, Berean Christian Church and Metro Atlanta Urban Farm.
Counseling: We offer free Anger Management and Conflict Resolution counseling at an as needed basis.
Homeless Outreach: We serve our homeless brothers and sisters through various activities. In the past, we have picked up persons from the downtown shelter and served them lunch at our Tuesday noon bible studies. Bi-monthly, we held our Dinner and a Movie event, where our homeless guests are picked up and we provide them a meal, toiletry items and a newly-released movie. In 2014, we served over 1,000 meals to our homeless brothers and sisters. With the closing of the centralized Peachtree and Pine shelter, we currently assist grass-root organization with​
providing food, services and supplies to our homeless brothers and sisters in and around DeKalb county.
Angel Tree Gift Distribution: Each year, we provide 100 children of incarcerated parents with Christmas gifts, in partnership with the Angel Tree Ministries Prison fellowship. In addition, we support the Carrie Steele-Pitts children’s home with school supplies and Christmas gifts.